So where did I leave off...
We went to lunch at one of our favorite places in town, The Crimson Moon. Doesn't that smile just melt your heart?
This was on the way to the Moon. I thought it was a sweet picture!
Later that week we went to Burt's Pumpkin Farm! It was my first time going and Micah was in awe of the pumpkins. Half of them were bigger than his soon to be two year old little frame.
Then he saw this...

Aren't those barrows pretty?!!! Who knew wheelbarrows could be so pretty...
Micah might get his obsession from this beaut..
His grandfather's John Deere. I learned how to drive it the other day.
My instructor.
Caleb's family lives . Rolling hills of pastures. When I'm there I feel my dreams have come true of being a farm girl. They have a some wood shops that are awesome! Here's one of my favorite things about their property... the blue door!!!! This leads into Caleb's dad's personal shop.. It's magical...I collected this little guy inside Caleb's dad woodshop. I was going to use it as a post for my herb garden. Key word is in this find is that is was FREE!
Check out these treasures I found inside... there's so much history in these things to me... I was like a little kid in a candy store. I kept asking if I could take stuff home!
Above is my sweet father in law, Chris and here's the bottom of the knife that was pictured next to the door - how pretty!
Later that evening Erin and I carved pumpkins!
Erin's ended up looking just like this!
Dahlonega Leaves of Fall
Our CO staff went on a staff retreat to Suches! The leaves and scenery were so pretty too!
Which brings us to Halloween! Our first trick or treaters as a married couple - the tooth fairy and a tooth she had picked up along the way! :)
This Fall, Caleb played in a Parks and Rec softball league! They were really great and I know that Caleb loved being able to participate with his busy schedule! He loves baseball!
Can I bore you with pictures of my cat Missy? She's not mine and Caleb's. She's the Clark family cat. We got her when I was in middle school. She was the younger sister to our dog Lucy and cat Rikki (you might be thinking that sounds like I Love Lucy, you're correct) Anways, I borrowed a 105mm lens from a friend in Dahlonega and was trying to get a picture of anything I could get my hands on. I loved these pictures of Missy and she's wasn't too thrilled that I was chasing her around the garage one afternoon. I just loved how the light hit her... Okay, you can wake up now...